If you are after newborn photos that are simple, real and balanced carefully with a little bit of posing, then Bless Photography is the perfect fit for you. We offer a perfect balance between posed and natural newborn photography. The most important priority to us is that we capture every detail that makes your baby who they are. We love to use a selection of props and cute little hats, but most importantly, we love to capture your little person interacting as naturally as possible.
Oscar was much older than the typical age for a newborn session – He was 9 weeks old. If you missed out on doing a shoot within the first couple of weeks, you can definitely still do one. This particular session was more of a lifestyle family shoot. Most of the pictures taken were of Oscar, but the overall style of this shoot was like a lifestyle family session and less attention was paid to cleaning up the typical blemishes that babies tend to have (hence the reason newborn sessions are much more expensive.) If you are interested in a lifestyle baby shoot, please contact us.